Two days later, somewhere around the world. A man meandering across the snowy gutted road was drinking heavily from the alcohol bottle he was holding. He was singing as he walked by, attracting unwanted passersby along his wake. But the man didn't care, after all, he was in his own world.

As he regaled what just humorously happened to his life, a grumble from behind woke him up from a stupor. He looked over his shoulder and his eyes widened.

The cars are military, Ruthenian Military to be exact. He stared at it with complete befuddlement. His eyes following their movement gained the attention of the driver of the Polkan Jeep who was leading the convoy.

He winked at him in a friendly manner but the drunken man knew it was otherwise. It reached him like a warning, a warning that could endanger his life. Still, the man didn't care. He simply smiled at them as they passed by. It wasn't a smile that indicates happiness, rather it was a smile of accomplishment. To think that he doesn't have to work himself to his limit just to locate the Ruthenian vehicle stolen by an unknown entity from Finland.

He gulped down the remaining liquids inside as he watched the stolen Ruthenian military vehicle parked at the town.

This is his chance to prove himself and get that well-deserved promotion.

The man went back into his house, or should he say, his base of operations. In a room, he removed the coverings of a mechanical contraption. It was a communication device that allowed him to contact the headquarters encrypted without the enemy noticing.


He activated it and started transmitting coded messages to the Foreign Intelligence Services Headquarters in St. Petersburg, Ruthenia Empire.


Meanwhile, in the St. Petersburg Winter Palace. Alexander was with Sophie, they were in their bedroom, casually talking to one another.

"Since Tiffania aced the exam I gave her two days ago, she will be coming with me to Moskva to visit assembly lines there. I can only guess the reason why she wished for it. Maybe she got curious about how new technologies are produced and so she took the opportunity I gave to her and didn't waste it."

Sophie laughed heartily at Alexander's story. "That's a lovely one from Tiffania. I hope she will have a great trip and create memories for herself there. " She giggled. Alexander thought a bit before answering, "I'll see to it that she does. There are a lot of things I can show to her in Moskva and she will like it...probably."

She put her hand on his shoulder and looked up at him lovingly. "Darling, why are you sounding so uncertain? The last time I saw that face was when our country and family faced a crisis. You have to remember that this is not the same as that. Remember, Tiffania changed her interest and her visit there might spark interest in things greater than what ignited her passion for engineering months ago."


"You know what, honey, you are right. I was worried for nothing," Alexander smiled as he placed his hand on her cheek and caressed it fondly as he tucked her golden hair behind her ear, making her look more beautiful and softening his heart.

"Ugh," he moaned as he gazed at his wife's space as if it was the most beautiful painting in the world. "Why are you beautiful, darling? I'm so lucky to have you."

"There you go again," Sophie scoffed softly. Her hands moved on top of his which was touching her face affectionately. "I too am lucky to have you as my man. For me, you're the most brilliant man I know and I mean it," she said genuinely before her expression turned serious.

Alexander frowned, curious as to what caused that. "Hon? Why the serious face? Is something the matter?" He removed his hand from her face and watched the subtle change on her countenance.

"Darling, there is something I have confessed," Sophie paused to compose herself before continuing. "Darling, I'm having a ba—"

Before she could finish her sentence, the telephone installed in their bedroom rang loudly, causing Alexander to shift his attention to it.

"A moment hon," Alexander spoke to Sophie apologetically. As he reached out and answered the phone, Sophie stood still. "This is the emperor...Wait? Have you located the stolen tech? Where is it?... Sweden? Very well, I'll head there immediately." he hung up and placed the telephone back in its cradle before looking at Sophie.

"Sorry darling, I believe it can wait. I just received a call from the General Staff Building informing me about the stolen Ruthenian tech. They require my presence in the Command Ops."

"Ahh..." Sophie nodded understandingly. "Well, it can't be helped. I'll tell it to you once you come back," She replied with an understanding voice.

"Now that is making me curious, what is it anyway? I believe they wouldn't care if I'm a minute or two late," Alexander said, prompting her to continue where she left off.

"No, I'll tell you once you come back. The call already destroyed the mood," Sophie explained, smiling warmly at him.

"Alright then, see you later love." Alexander kissed her forehead. I'll be back as soon as I finish my duty there."


Underground the General Staff Building, Alexander was being escorted by the Imperial Guards towards the Command Ops where the Joint Chief of Staff and civilian staff stood in attention. They bowed low, and Alexander waved a hand to dismiss their gesture.

"As you were, gentleman," Alexander sat on his exclusive chair, facing the LCD screen on the far wall of the Command Ops. "So, tell me more about the situation."

Alexei, the Minister of Defense, began. "Your Majesty, ten minutes ago, we received actionable intelligence from the Foreign Intelligence Services where one of their agents accidentally located the stolen tech. We have confirmed the data from one of our spy planes, the Dragon Lady, that happens to be flying overhead Sweden on its way back to its airfield after a ten-hour sortie," he concluded.

"I see, where is our Aircraft Carrier right now?"

"In the North Sea, two hundred fifty kilometers off the coast of Murmansk."

"And where specifically is the stolen tech?" Alexander followed up with another question.

"Here, in this small town in Sweden called Gällivare."

The LCD screen showed the map of Sweden and it zoomed into the small city of Gällivare.

"Do we have a clear target on the vehicles?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. They are in the open according to the agents. What do you propose?"

"Send in a strike package on that location right now, I want it destroyed at all costs."

"Your Majesty, there could be civilian casualties involved," Alexei reminded, but Alexei dismissed him without any response.

"Civilian casualties are inevitable in military operations, Alexei. It's either the lives of common Swedes or an unknown country who stole the tech from us to try and reverse engineer the technology that could put our national security at risk," Alexander said coldly. He leaned forward to stare into his subordinate's eyes. "Send in the strike package, right now."

"Yes, Your Majesty," Alexei acknowledged and prompted Admiral Kutnetzov, the now Chief of Naval Operations to inform the aircraft carrier in the Barents Sea.
