After receiving good news from Sophie, Alexander was on cloud nine. He can't help but keep his goofy grin that has been drawn on his face since he left their bedroom.

Currently, he was on his way to Tiffania's bedroom, where he will check up on her progress in packing her things.

Today is the day when they will leave St. Petersburg and go to Moskva, the ancient capital of the Ruthenian Empire. It houses the headquarters of Imperial Dynamic Systems, the largest and richest company in the empire.

Alexander will be visiting key assembly lines that have been producing modern appliances for the people of Ruthenia as well as its foreign partners.

Not only in appliances but in the military as well.

In light of the recently concluded war between the Yamato Empire and the Ruthenia Empire. Alexander, along with his military advisors and generals, has joined hands on a decision of modernizing the military capabilities even further. So there will be a new line of infantry weapons, aircraft, helicopters, and naval warships.

The idea wasn't new, Alexander has long been planning to improve the Ruthenian Armed Forces' capability to its peak where no nations on this planet can rival it.action


Since the invention of the atomic bomb, Ruthenia Empire's top position in the world is now secured. With just a word, Alexander can drop this most feared weapon from his original world to any country of this world should they dare try what the Yamato did to Alexander's family. It was a promise he made before they left but couldn't fulfill it.

The consequences of dropping an atomic bomb on the Yamato Empire would be too catastrophic geopolitically. His little sisters were rescued from Tokyo anyway so there's no need to resort to nuclear retaliation. Should the situation turn out differently, where his little sisters theoretically died in the assassination attempt, his rational thinking would be overwhelmed with so much emotion and would order a nuclear strike.

Truthfully, nuclear weapons serve as a deterrent devices only. Should a foreign country work against the national interest of the Ruthenia Empire, he can just pull out his trump card and threaten them to drop it in their cities. If they insist and see it as a bluff, he can put an example and bomb their uninhabited cities to let them know the power of the atomic bomb and what it could do if that were to explode in their capital cities.

Distracted by his thoughts, Alexander didn't realize he had already arrived in Tiffania's room. He knocked on the door and heard her lovely voice from the other side.

"Come in."

Alexander reached his hand out to the doorknob and rotated it. He slowly opened the door, not wanting to startle her or anything, and entered the room.Tiffania was standing by her bed holding a bunch of clothes in her arms that looked like she was about to throw everything into the suitcase. She glanced at him for a second but quickly focused back on the clothes. After looking at them for some time, she sighed and put her dress into her suitcase.


"What is it, brother? Is it time already?" Tiffania asked.

"No, no. Take your time, we'll be leaving in thirty minutes. What are you doing anyways, shouldn't you let the servants do the packing for you?" Alexander inquired, surprised that she was the one doing the work. Normally, the servants would prepare their belongings before the trip, just like he let his things be handled by the servants of the palace.

"Because I don't want anyone touching my stuff," Tiffania answered simply. "And when I do let them pack my things, they'll always mess it up by putting things in the wrong place. Also, packing your things by yourself is fun," she giggled slightly and added, "I'm almost done."

Alexander chuckled softly and walked towards the bed. Before sitting down next to Tiffania, he glanced over her shoulder at her suitcase. He took a glance inside and noticed two suitcases full of clothes, as well as several technical books about engineering. She's so committed to her dreams, making him feel proud of her.

"Remember when I said that you'll be in for a treat once we arrived in Moskva? That is because I mean it, Tiffania. You are going to see a lot of fascinating things, ten times better than we currently have in the palace and in circulation."

"Are you saying that Imperial Dynamic Systems has a new batch of new technologies?" Tiffania's eyes beamed with excitement.

"Yeah!" Alexander confirmed, already imagining her reactions if she saw the thing he'd like to show her. "So, hurry up, we have a train to catch."

"Train? Aren't we going to use your personal plane?" Tiffania questioned, confused.

Alexander chuckled a bit. "The thing is, there is this new train rolling out exclusively for us. It is a new type of train that is faster than the world currently has. It's a project I initiated three years ago in the field of transportation. You see, the Ruthenia Empire is massive, and the only thing that connects our territories is roads and trains. By building a lot of this infrastructure, we are making the Empire closer than it ever was centuries ago."

"You are really such an ambitious leader, dearest brother. And from that ambition, you produced a lot of things that greatly help the people. Now I can't imagine what would happen if someone is in the reins. My standards for the future head of state of the Ruthenia Empire are high because of you," Tiffania genuinely remarked and closed her suitcase. "Okay, I'm done, dearest brother. Should we go and head to the exit and say our goodbyes to them?"

Alexander was silent for a second until he nodded his head. He stood up and stretched. "Let me carry that suitcase for you, Tiffania," he offered.

She smiled at him. "Why?"

"I don't know, maybe I want to look cool in front of you I guess," Alexander joked and winked at her.

"But you already look cool to me, dearest brother," she countered with a small smile. She held out her hand and gave the suitcase to him. "It's a shame that you are my brother because if not, I might have fallen in...uwah...uwah...what am I saying?!" Tiffania covered her face with her palms after realizing that what she had just said had come off a little creepy.

Alexander tilted his head in confusion. What's gotten into her all of a sudden? What was her last sentence again? If he was not her brother she might have fallen in...Alexander gasped in realization.

Tiffania, hearing that gasp, made her cheek flush red with embarrassment to the point she wanted to turn into dust and vanish from existence.

Fortunately, Alexander didn't prod her any further as they walked towards the exit. Where Sophie, Anya, Anastasia, and Christina stood, waiting for them.

"You're going to leave again, papa?" Anya asked with sadness written all over her face.

Alex nodded, "Yes, baby, papa has some business to take care of so I'll be gone in a week. Don't worry, I'll return with a lot of gifts for everyone."

"Okay papa, take care," Anya replied, hugging her father goodbye, who kissed her cheek.

Anastasia stepped forward. "It's unfair, why does Tiffania get to go while I am here stuck with learning materials you gave me?" she protested.

"Well, that's because she was first. Don't worry, I have also a special gift for you should you ace your exam like your sister did," Alexander said.

"That's a promise?"

"Of course, it is a promise," Alexander reassured his little sister.

"Have a safe trip brother," Christina spoke up as she walked forward.

"Thanks, Christie."

Lastly, Sophie stepped forward. "I'm going to miss your presence again, darling."

"So do I," Alexander responded honestly. He hugged his wife tightly.

"When I see you again," Sophie murmured.

After hugging his wife tight and giving her a kiss on her forehead, Alexander finally got out of the embrace. With a deep breath, he turned around and faced the exit. "Goodbye, everyone."
