"Brother, are we going back to the Imperial Dynamics System headquarters?" Tiffania asked, her eyes beaming up at him.

"No, we are not the place we are going to visit is not in Moskva but rather from another place."

"Another place?" Tiffania repeated. "But I thought you said that we are going to stay in Moskva for a week and visit places here and there."

"Oh my, didn't I tell you that our one-week trip will not be limited around Moskva?"

Tiffania recalled her recent memories to confirm what her brother just said. It's true, he did say that.

"Okay, but can you at least give me the name of the place we will be visiting?" Tiffania requested, her eyes still beaming.

"Well, it is located in Crimea, specifically in Sevastopol. The naval headquarters of the Imperial Ruthenian Navy Black Sea Fleet," he replied as they walked towards the Beast without glancing at her. His brows narrowed when he didn't get an immediate response from her so he glanced at her. His narrowed brows rose when he noticed her face beaming with joy, eyes alight. "From your expression alone I can tell that you are looking forward to going there."


"How could I not? I will get to see Imperial Ruthenian Navy warships! Speaking of which, I would like to see what's inside. I have never been on a naval warship before. I believe it is the same as the passenger liner like the Titanic that sank in the Atlantic Ocean after crashing into an iceberg."

"It is very much the same, to be honest," he nodded. "Well have you been into an engine where all the magic happens?"

She shook her head no as her feet kept walking at a quick pace. "I'm afraid that I haven't."

"Then that's settled, we are going to visit the engine room of the strongest battleship the Ruthenian Empire built," Alexander stated as his gaze shifted back to the Beast."Are we perhaps going to board your personal plane, brother?"

"Unfortunately the plane that you are referring to is not at the Moskva airport so instead of it, we will be flying on a military cargo aircraft. My personal aircraft is expensive to operate so I'm saving it for diplomatic purposes," Alexander answered.

"Would that be the same aircraft that took us out from Tokyo? I believe the name was Bogatyr," Tiffania


"Yes, indeed it was. They are waiting for us at the airport. Don't worry, the cargo hold is being overhauled by maintenance personnel with comfortable seats so that our backs will not sore. Remember, that plane is not built for comfort so don't expect too much. After you," he extended his hands to the open door of the vehicle.


The distance between Moskva and Sevastopol is 1,800 kilometers. Normally, people would take trains to get there but due to the popularization of the airline industry in the Ruthenian Empire, some take planes. However, the ticket costs thrice that of the train ticket so others might opt to take the train instead simply because it is cheaper. Even if the plane travels faster than the train, the frugality of the working and middle class still prevails.

One hour later, the Bogatyr landed on the Sevastopol Air Base. There was no Beat this time to secure the safety of their transport. The Imperial Guards who board and flew with them in the Bogatyr along with the Imperial Guards from the Sevastopol Headquarters will serve as their security.

Well, since this is a secret visit, no one would expect the emperor and the Grand Duchess of Ruthenia Empire to come to Sevastopol.

One of the reasons for his visit here is a simple one. Alexander plans to build a grand naval fleet for the Ruthenian Imperial Navy. He is one of the men who believe that those who control the seas, control the world. This is actually true, for example, the United States from its original world pretty much controls the seas with its fleet scattered across the world. The first fleet, the second fleet, the third fleet, and so on to the seventh fleet. Alexander also wanted that kind of fleet in his empire. The only ocean they don't have direct control of is the Atlantic and Indian oceans. Even if they already have major fleets such as the Baltic, Black Sea, and the North Sea, they only control the region, and in those regions, pretty much nothing happens other than protecting merchants from pirates, enforcing maritime laws, and protecting the Ruthenian Empire's maritime interest.

To those wondering what is the Grand Fleet, is composed of 15 aircraft carriers, 21 capital ships, 90 cruisers, 222 destroyers, and 400 submarines. If the project is fulfilled, it would be the largest naval program in the world, outmatching that of the Britannia Empire. So far, it is at 20 percent complete with the others under construction with new warships of types and classes joining the navy in the future.

At this point, one could wonder, does the Ruthenian Empire want global domination? Only the emperor of Ruthenian can answer that.

A helicopter's blades whirred overhead, sending gusts of wind that made their hair fly wildly across their faces as it made its descent.

From the design, Alexander can tell that it was the UH-60 helicopter or in this world, the Black Stork. That helicopter will take them from the Sevastopol Sea Wharf, one of the largest shipyards of the Ruthenian Empire.

Alexander and Tiffania boarded the Black Stork and they made their way up to the sky, giving them a nice view below. The Sevastopol Air Base is near the Sevastopol Sea Wharf. From the windows, they can see massive ships docked in the harbor as well as warships that are under construction. Many of those vessels are probably in reserves as not much is happening in the Black Sea. The only naval power that could rival their dominance in the Black Sea is the Anatolian Empire, the Ottoman Empire's version of this world.

The Black Stork landed on the aft side of the Imperator Aleksandr IV Class Battleship. The captain of the ship, Lev Vladimirsky, greeted them upon their arrival with a salute.

"Your Majesty, welcome aboard to the Imperator Aleksandr IV Class Battleship, it is truly an honor to meet His Majesty who is the namesake of this majestic ship. Also, Your Imperial Highness, it is pleasure your highness as well."

"Captain, we won't take much of your time, my little sister here is curious about what the engine room looks like. Is it possible for us or the ship is undergoing maintenance of some sort?"

"No Your Majesty, anything you want to see on the ship, the crew of this ship will show it for you. Now, if I may have the honor of escorting you down to the engine room."

"Please lead the way," Alexander nodded to him and he guided the two royals inside the ship. Meanwhile, TIffania took a glance at the main cannon of the ship.action

"It's huge..." she whispered as she followed inside.

They reached the engine room about 10 minutes later. It was a long walk as the ship's interior was like a maze.

The first thing Tiffania noticed was that there are a lot of pipes of varying sizes overhead, in the walls, and in the room itself. The heat inside was stifling but not enough to discomfort her yet so she continued following them, her head looking around. The pathway is tight and narrow and lined with gauges.

"It's so complex...oh brother! What is that cylindrical thing with long pipes?" Tiffania pointed.

Alexander looked at it and recognized it in an instant. "Ah, that's a turbocharger. Basically what it does is provide the engine with more air, therefore the engine can burn more fuel and thereby increase the output, and by increasing the output, it increases the power of the engine. Everything you see here is made by marine engineers but mechanical engineers also have a role here.


Another reason why he visited this place, is to help Tiffania decide what she is going to major in. Would it be mechanical, civil, electrical, or computer? Alexander got into the mechanical engineering field because of his love of cars. Now, what would push Tiffania?
