Chapter 181

No one had ever barged into Leisure Residence to deliver goods, let alone deliver such strange goods.

At first, the head manager just wanted to appease the two siblings. But when the sausagy intestines and meat that smelled of cured meat were brought over, he raised his eyebrows.

The chef in the kitchen must have eaten some already, as the corners of his mouth glistened with oil, and his eyes were full of amazement and excitement. When he brought over the steamed cured meat, he even remembered to bring along chopsticks.

The head manager clipped some skeptically, as if examining it for poison with his gaze.

"Manager, eat, try it," the head chef urged at the side.

Even the young waiter gulped down his saliva.


The sausage that smelled of cured meat finally entered his mouth. The instant he bit down, juices burst forth, splattering the cavity of his mouth. At the same time, the tender cured meat rolled in, and after a little chewing, a slightly sweet, special fragrance danced on his tongue, swirling with a faint wine flavor.

The head manager's eyes widened.

In the land of abundant talent that was Fengjing, good food was never in short supply. But with just one bite of the sausage, a clever man would know - a new market had arrived.

It wasn't that it was shockingly amazing, but rather the special fragrance unique to cured meat that ordinary food did not possess.

Special - that was the entry ticket for food.

Delicious - that was the pass for food.


When both were combined into one, it would be difficult not to sell well.

After tasting the cured sausage, the head manager picked up a piece of translucent cured meat and put it in his mouth. His brows wrinkled slightly - he did not like fatty meat.

The head chef's eyes shone with light. "This cured meat is cured so well. Fatty yet not greasy. Stir-fried lightly it would definitely taste even better."

Jiang Sheng instantly felt goodwill towards the head chef. The stir-fried cured meat was not as oily, yet had a faint smoky flavor. With some garlic sprouts it would be extremely delicious.

After the head manager tasted everything, he put down his chopsticks. "How much of this cured meat do you two young friends have? Leisure Residence wants it all."

He had probably mistakenly assumed that the Jiang siblings had bought some goods from elsewhere, wanting to earn a profit by selling it to the restaurant.

Zheng Ruqian cleared his throat, just about to discuss cooperation with Leisure Residence as before.

Jiang Sheng suddenly stopped her. Blinking, she stepped forward. "Sure."

Zheng Ruqian was astonished. Why was his sister giving up the long term business to do a one-time deal?

But the tacit understanding from their years growing up together kept him from speaking. He watched as Jiang Sheng sold the five hundred jin of cured meat they had brought, at a price of five hundred wen per jin.

Five hundred wen was not considered cheap, but neither was it expensive in Fengjing.

The head manager readily agreed, transporting the goods and settling the payment that very day.

Leaving Leisure Residence, the siblings had two hundred and fifty taels more silver in their pockets.

On the road, Zheng Ruqian could not help but ask, "Why didn't we cooperate with Leisure Residence? Like how we did in Anshui prefecture and Xieyang county, with long term supply, which is a win-win?"

Jiang Sheng was silent for a moment.

She was usually cheerful, loved to talk and laugh, innocent and sensible yet understanding - like a dear little cotton-padded jacket to her brothers.

But in this moment, the little girl spoke lowly, "Second brother, they look down on us."

The head manager had still been quite polite to them, at first for Leisure Residence's reputation, and then for the cured meat.

But him, and even the young waiter, were full of haughtiness to the core.

Their eyes held only disdain, like nobles looking at commoners.

Yet they were all people.

Jiang Sheng had felt such looks before, when everyone was above a wandering orphan like her, when anyone could spit at her.

But she was not that person anymore.

And her brothers were not either.

Her esteemed eldest brother, cheerful second brother, heroic third brother, gentle fourth brother, handsome fifth brother.

They should not be looked down upon like Jiang Sheng had been. They were the most outstanding men in this world, not inferior to anyone.

The ten year old girl's eyes reddened. "Jiang Sheng can take being looked down upon, but Jiang Sheng cannot bear her brothers being treated the same."

That bitterness from being disdained, only those who experienced it knew the feeling.

Zheng Ruqian froze in place.

Outside was Jiang San driving the carriage, people hawking steamed buns and candy apples on both sides, neither very expensive.

Thinking back on doing business for many years, he seemed to have long grown used to throwing away his dignity, grinding and crushing it, yet still able to laugh as he went up and asked, "Want to buy?"

As long as they could earn money, anything was fine.

Zheng Ruqian had once firmly believed in that saying, but now, looking at Jiang Sheng's flushed little face, he stretched out a hand and stroked his sister's hair bun. The child had grown up, even knowing to uphold her brothers' dignity.

Zheng Ruqian's heart softened, and vigorous passion burst forth in his chest. "Alright, we won't do business with Leisure Residence anymore. We'll do business with others."

They would do business with those who looked up to them.

Money lost could be earned again, dignity lost was truly gone.

It would be even better if Zheng Ruqian's expression was not so heartbroken.

Jiang Sheng stopped her tears and smiled, scratching her head. "Second brother, that's not what I meant. We still have to do business with Leisure Residence."

The books said business could be divided into proactive and reactive.

Delivering the sausages to Leisure Residence for the head manager to select and taste was inherently a reactive action.

To gain dignity, they had to become proactive.

"I understand, just like when I wanted to raise cured meat prices in Anshui prefecture," Zheng Ruqian realized. "We have to give Leisure Residence a sweetener first. When they want more cured meat again, they'll have to ask us."

But in the meantime, they would have to use their meager silver to build a new workshop in Fengjing, and get it running.

The two hundred and fifty taels from selling goods, plus the three hundred and seventy at home, might be enough in Anshui, but was a little lacking in Fengjing.

Zheng Ruqian had originally discussed cooperation also hoping for some down payment to use as startup capital.

But now, even without a down payment, there was no fear.

Zheng Ruqian clenched his fist, a substantive flame burning in his eyes. "Six hundred taels it is. I will definitely build up this workshop in Fengjing."

Jiang Sheng did not speak, but her determined gaze revealed her resolve.

They would rely on themselves to earn Fengjing people's respect.

These things were simple to speak of, but not easy to accomplish.

First was renting the venue. Workshops were divided into three areas - preparation, production, and drying.

To satisfy that, they needed at least a compound with three sections, just thinking of the rent made them distressed.

After visiting three dental firms, Zheng Ruqian finally barely managed to rent a small three section compound on the border between east and west city. Including deposit it was one hundred and thirty taels.

Next was buying pork.

Prices in Fengjing were steep, pork sold at twenty wen per jin. After hard bargaining they could only get seventeen or eighteen wen. Not to mention other curing ingredients, pig intestines, etc.

Last was labor.

In Anshui prefecture it was five wen a day, with many aunties and uncles squeezing to do the work. In Fengjing, under twenty wen a day they couldn't hire anyone.

By the time preparations were complete, there were only ten taels left in Jiang Sheng's hands.

Fortunately, the cured meat did not disappoint her.
