
"Don't worry about that, I'll handle everything." Patting his chest, he proudly exclaimed, "Your boyfriend is much stronger than you think."

Snuggling closer, she inquired, "Guang, can I ask you a question?"

"Of course honey, you don't have to ask before asking something."

Keeping quiet for quite some time, she asked, "How did the accident happen?"

Contemplating for a while, he answered, "I-It was that driver's fault, I was taking a cut and then he just lost balance."

Cupping his cheeks, Qiang chuckled, "Honey, you suck at lying."


"W-What? I am not lying, I am just tired and I wanna sleep for a while." Without waiting for her reply, he wrapped his arms around her waist and quickly closed his eyes.


Mo Corporation

Kathy's office.

Looking at her boyfriend who had completely invaded her office in the middle of a working day, Kathy inquired, "What are you doing here?"

"What do you mean by that? Can't a super cute boyfriend come to see his super cute girlfriend in her office?" Clutching his chest, Liang groaned in pain, "Ahh my heart hurts."


Helplessly shaking her head, she chuckled, "Stop being so dramatic, you are also supposed to be working right now."

Nodding his head in agreement, he answered, "Yes, I should be working now but I took an early day off because I missed you."

"Babe, I am too busy to makeout right now. There is an important presentation coming up and there are so many things I have to complete—"

Cutting her off, he complained, "Do you think I am here because I want to makeout with you?" Before Kathy could say anything, he added, "Well you are not wrong but that is not the whole point, I am here to take you away for the day."

"Wait what? I can't go anywhere right now honey, I have so many things to do and—"

Placing his finger on her lips, he pulled her closer. "I know work is important but we are more important. I just need an hour of your busy schedule, can I have it?"

Slapping his hand away, she raised her brows, "Okay now tell me what are you up to?"

Shrugging his shoulders, he answered, "What me? Nothing."

"Please, I know that look in your face Liang, I know you are up to something."

"Why are you always so suspicious? Sometimes I feel like I am taking Sherlocks Holmes' sister or something like that." Grabbing her coat and bag, Liang added, "I have already told Zixin about it so you are free to go with me."

Taking the coat from his hand, she inquired, "When did you talk to him?"


Inside Liang's car.

"It's not even my birthday or your birthday." Thinking for a while, Kathy frowned, "It's not even my birthday month or yours."

Helplessly shaking his head, Liang chuckled, "You should seriously stop trying babe."

"Oh come on, just tell me what it is and I promise I'll do whatever you want me to," she stated.

"Hmm the offer is very enticing but no thanks, I have to reject it," he chuckled.

Puffing her cheeks, she complained, "You are so mean, why do I feel like you don't love me anymore?"

"Of course I do and even you know that."

Crossing her arms in the front, she finally gave up. "Fine, I won't ask anything."

"Good, we are about to reach there anyway."


Ten minutes later.

When the car drove into a new neighbourhood, Kathy inquired, "Why are we going here?"

Kissing the back of her hand, he smiled, "You'll see."

"Did you just get a new house without taking my opinion?" she frowned.

Raising both his hands, he vigorously shook his head. "I wouldn't dare."

"Then why are we here?" she muttered before getting out of the car.

Looking at the crease on her forehead, he sighed, "Why are you stressing over this now? You don't have to stress about it when I am with you."

"I stress when I am curious," she answered before stepping into the elevator.


Apartment number: 10

After a short elevator ride which felt like an entity to Kathy, Liang stopped in front of an apartment. "Are you ready?"

"Where are we?" she frowned.

"I'll take that as a yes," he smiled before ringing the doorbell.

After something, a lady opened the door and greeted them. "Good afternoon sir, madam."

Placing his hand on Kathy's back, Liang explained, "She is Mary, the helper of the house."

Before Kathy could ask any further questions, someone approached them.

"Who is it Mary?" Dora, Kathy's mother inquired.

Kathy widened her eyes in shock and gasped, "Mom? What are you doing here?"

"Kathy, Liang you both are finally here." Giving her a hug, Dora smiled, "I was waiting for you both since morning."

"We could have visited you in the morning but someone had to work." Giving Dora a hug, Liang inquired, "I hope everything is okay and according to your preference."

"I wouldn't complain about anything because everything is perfect," Dora stated.

Scrunching her brows, Kathy inquired, "I still don't understand, what is mom doing here and—"

Cutting her off, Dora sighed, "You seriously ask too many questions."

Wrapping his arms around her shoulder, Liang explained, "I made arrangements and brought mom here and she is going to stay here close to you starting today." Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, he smiled, "From now on, you don't have to travel every weekend to see mom."

Looking at him with teary eyes, she asked, "You did this for me?"

