Self abuse

“How about it young man? Would you like to compete with your old man?” asked Yeoh Jun looking at his son who was floating in the water.

Zi Han chuckled lightly while brushing the tip of his nose with his finger. “Sure, but don’t cry because unlike him I won’t hold back,” he said referring to his fiance who had been holding back and giving these old men the illusion that they still stood a chance.

“You speak with a lot of confidence. Show me what you got,” said Yeoh Jun and Yi Chen got off the jet ski and held the handlebar for him.

Zi Han emerged from the water and sat on the front seat with a smug look on his face that looked very familiar. It was because Yeoh Jun had the very same look on his face right now.

This was one of the rare moments that one would say he looksmed just like his father.

“Don’t weep when I beat you,” said Zi Han and as the whistle blew the two jet skis roared leaving behind a huge splash.


Yeoh Jun soon realised that his son wasn’t messing around but unlike Yi Zhen, he wouldn’t play honestly. Just like he did to Zi Xingxi he opened a portal and reappeared close to the finishing line to Zi Han’s dismay.

Sounds of unrestrained laughter and boos ripped through the air as Yeoh Jun celebrated his victory by circling around them a couple of times.

He stood up and called out to his sweetheart. “Baby, did you see that? I was sexy, right?” he said and Zi Han almost rolled his eyes.


Zi Xingxi who didn’t want to be associated with this cheater grabbed Lin Ruoxi’s sun hat and wore it covering her eyes to ignore him.

“You cheated. You used portals for such a trivial thing. I don’t think our ancestors would be happy about that. They will disown you,” said Zi Han wondering who between them was older.


His father had cheated so he could impress a girl who also happened to be his mother. How ridiculous.

“How is that cheating when you can do the very same thing? You can do what I did and I wouldn’t complain,” he said and Zi Han crossed his arms on his chest with frustration in between his brows. His father hadn’t taught him to do that so how could this be fair game? If he were to attempt it he might find himself in another universe.

“Okay, if that’s how you want to play. Then let’s play,” he said before taking out a water blaster.

Ming Ming saw it and her eyes brightened. She swam over while begging her sister in law for one.

Zi Han who was packing took out five more and handed them out like charity. “Why on earth do you even have five of those?” asked Yeoh Jun having a very bad premonition. Even Yi Chen was wondering the same thing too. He suddenly wanted to take an inventory of everything in Zi Han’s interspatial storage.

“What? I shop a lot when I am drunk. I can’t be the only one who does that,” he said and grandpa Zi who was under the beach umbrella playing checkers with Grandpa Lin raised his hand.

“I do it,” he said.

“Well he does it and your wife too,” said Zi Han.

Zi Xingxi raised his hand and agreed, “Guilty. You have no idea what kind of things you will find in my interspatial storage.”

“Then it must be a Zi family thing,” said Yi Zhen only for Lin Ruoxi to give him a warning glance like she was going to expose his business if he kept talking so he shut his mouth really fast.

Seeing Zi Han aiming that muzzle at him Yeoh Jun raised his hand trying to talk some sense into him. “Hey hey hey, I am your father you know that, right? You should respect your aaaahhhhh,” he said before squealing like a pig as he jumped into the water.

Two minutes later he was running on the beach resulting in some unfortunate casualties.

“Hey, you... Ming Ming!” yelled Lin Ruoxi after, and I quote, accidentally being splashed with water.

Zi Xingxi laughed at her but soon she was drenched too while Ming Ming explained, “Sorry my hand slipped.”

Zi Xingxi, “....”

The back garden turned chaotic like it was a warzone. In place of dangerous weapons were water blasters, a water hose and some remaining water balloons from earlier.

No one was spared from this mini fight and some even caught a cold from it as explained by the evening scene in the lounge.

The couch was packed with Zi Han sitting in between Zi Xingxi and Lin Ruoxi under cosy blankets. Grandma Lin was sitting on her favourite chair and Yi Feng was lying on a two seater couch while fighting with Yi Youxi for space.

Yi Feng’s and Leo Lin’s mother were sitting in the dining area watching some wrestling match they were both fans of.

Zi Han who was squashed between these two ladies couldn’t help but complain. “Can’t we watch something else? This is too dog blooded for me,” he said feeling like he was being tortured for no reason.

And who could blame him? It was that kind of show where the male lead is mean, cold and indifferent and somehow the female lead endures the abuse seventy five per cent of the show before she realises she is worth more than that. Then the chasing my wife to the crematorium plot begins abusing the scum man for only twenty five per cent of the movie.

The entire time his mother was describing in detail how she would slice off his balls and turn them into thin slices of salmon before feeding them to him.

Lin Ruoxi on the other hand was the type of viewer who would be crying,

“Why can’t she just leave? She is far more than that wuwuwu. Why is he so mean.”

Zi Han had a great way of describing it which was ‘self abuse’.
