POV: Statera Luotian
I frowned as I inspected the screen placed before me. It was an individual assessment, meant to provide more in-depth information on our own universes and abilities than what the rankings allowed. Speaking of which, those had been rather entertaining. Especially when the Emperor preened when he came out on top in a few of the rankings, such as the one that analyzed the overall effectiveness of the universal laws in place, or when the others got their number one or dead last spots as well. It was very amusing...the only one that didn't show a hint of any emotion was Shin, the skeleton dude.
I shook those thoughts out of my head and looked back at the screen, analyzing the information further. Currently I was reading about the depths of my domain, and how far it had advanced (while withholding specific information that might be detrimental to my growth, I noticed) in terms of my age. Honestly I wasn't too surprised at the results. It's not that strange for my domain to be as developed as it is, especially considering how much I'd gone through, but the imbalance of the Four Realms was stunting my growth.
Then were the small little notes about my possible sub-domains. Since I already had Love, there were a few others - like the Heart - that had advanced by leaps and bounds, but the closest to becoming a sub-domain was Fate, which Mr. Blue Boxes noted was quite the achievement for one so young. The others were relatively scattered, but I was actually getting a more concrete idea of what to go after now. I needed ones that both complimented and covered the weaknesses of my main domain. Fate would do that well, and also counter some of the imbalances Love created, but I needed more.
My thoughts were interrupted by the Mad Scientist, who looked to be getting ready to get into a fight with Skeleton Shin's subordinate, the kimono-wearing samurai lady.
"May I inquire as to what you two are talking about?" A sudden incarnation of myself asked, appearing before them. I rather enjoyed the surprised looked from the Mad Scientist and kimono-girl, especially when they realized I was still sitting at the table as well. My actions earned a few amused glances from the other origin deities, before they turned their attention back towards their own assessments. A small part of their attention was also focused on the conversation, however.
"As if you don't already...know." The Mad Scientist scoffed, fixing me with a glare. I merely motioned for her to continue, although it was the kimono-girl - Ze, Shin told me in a very brief mental message - who explained herself.
"I was merely attempting to correct a few of this one's faulty viewpoints." Ze said, looking me straight in the eyes with a hint of a challenge. I blinked at that, noting the pride Ze held herself with. I didn't know much about Shin's universe, but I could tell that Ze wasn't used to being around others with equal or higher standing than herself.
I turned to the Mad Scientist, who answered me promptly. "Arrogance..." The Mad Scientist hissed, glaring at Ze. I nodded, accepting the two's viewpoints. I wasn't so much as interested in the topic of conversation the two had as much as their reasons for arguing, which both seemed to understand. The Mad Scientist saw Ze as arrogant, as many mortals tended to do in the face of deities, while Ze simply saw the Mad Scientist as foolish, as deities tended to do in the face of mortals. It really wasn't an uncommon argument.
However, in this case, I wasn't wholly convinced that the Mad Scientist was on the losing side of the argument. For the most part, deities were correct in calling mortals foolish if not because they lived longer than because they understood far more and could see things that mortals could not. However, the Mad Scientist was experienced enough to no longer technically count as mortal, and had seen far more universes than either I or Ze...or, mostly likely, anyone in this room. That is what made her unique.
However, after reviewing their conversation, I thought I got the general idea of how the Mad Scientist considered Ze arrogant. They had been talking about life, and the importance of one person in the universe. Because of their vastly different viewpoints, however, they started to argue. Which I consider a petty thing for a deity to do. A deity arguing with a mortal was like an adult arguing with a toddler.
"I was merely explaining the fact that in the cosmic scale one life is relatively insignificant." Ze explained icily, as if deigning me with a response was an honor on my part. I sighed and shook my head.
"Well, you're not wrong. But you're not wholly right either. Remember, mortals don't live at the same rate we do, they live in the seconds. We tend to live in thethousandsof years, which is enough for generations of mortals. However, what she was talking about wasn't just someone who makes an impact on a planet, and causes a shift in that civilization that is felt for thousands of years...no, she's talking about the impact a single person can have on a soul, even long after they have reincarnated." I explained gently. "So you're both right in a sense, one life is relatively insignificant on a cosmic scale...but it can mean everything to a single soul."
Ze opened her mouth to retort, but bit it back, not wishing to argue. I appreciated that, and continued. "Now, if you really wanted to, I could truly go in-depth on this subject, but I suspect you aren't quite ready for that mind-boggling idea as of yet. If you have thought of it then you haven't truly considered it. So I will simply ask you this; why did I bring a mortal to this meeting?"Thatcaught everyone's attention, and the Mad Scientist glared at me.
"That is...unappreciated." The Mad Scientist ground out. I simply chuckled and shrugged helplessly.
"This entire experience has been good for you, so don't be like that." I chided her. Ze was looking at the Mad Scientist with a blank expression, supposedly analyzing her, along with most everyone else in the room at some level. Some were more open about it than the others.
"She is a bit more powerful than your average mortal...closer to a Reaper than anything..." Ze muttered to herself. I just chuckled and let this incarnation begin to fade.
"I'll give you a hint; you're not looking in the right places." I said, and let my incarnation fully fade. The Mad Scientist hesitated for a split second before flying over to me in a few beats of her wings, shooting daggers into the back of my skull with her gaze the entire way.
"I...hate you." She hissed when she was close enough to whisper.
"I know you mean love!" I chirped, watching with my mind's eye as Ze snorted and disregarded my statements, further ignoring the Mad Scientist and moving to stand behind Shin. I smiled at her and swiped with one hand, dismissing my personal assessment. I had seen all I needed to, meaning I had read through it entirely. With a small smile I closed my eyes and leaned back in my seat, which was surprisingly comfortable. Waiting for the others to finish wouldn't take too long, and then I'd extend an invitation to Yueya, the elf, and perhaps Reilly because I liked the gambler/beggar deity, to visit my Realms to exchange ideas. Mr. Blue Boxes had already approved of the idea, so it was only a matter of actually extending the invitation.
Perhaps I'd invite Sylphina too. The butterfly's universewasthe one who Mr. Blue Boxes had connected my universe to all those years ago. Speaking of which, I hadn't seen that elemental that had slipped through the cracks recently...where'd that one get off to? I'd make an effort to search them out when I got back.
After a few more minutes of waiting the last of us put away their respective assessments, all looking around expectantly. I could practically see the gears turning in everyone's head - most of us were chomping at the bit to get back to our respective universes and begin to put some changes in motion. I, for one, was relatively relaxed about it all. Yes, I wanted to change things, but there was an order that needed to be maintained.
You all are free to go, but also free to mingle for a little while longer if you so choose. The next meeting will be anywhere between 60-100 million years from now. It depends on how your universes develop from here. If you wish to leave simply stand before your flag, and you shall be teleported back to your universe.