TL;DR: Courier Quest, both the eBook and audio, come out on March 4th.

I am self-publishing Courier Quest as an eBook on Amazon, and Royal Guard Publishing has handled the audiobook. It will be on Kindle Unlimited. However, because I am the publisher, I can take it down when I want to. That means, when I start dropping the sequel (which, I'll admit, is only being planned due to the phenomenal work of my narrators) I will bring it back to RR.

However, please read the announcement for the big picture. It's a bit of a ramble, but that's just how my brain works.

I have to say thank you all to those who left comments, reviews, and ratings. Courier Quest is very special to me, and I'm absolutely ecstatic that it was received so well. The fact that it has managed to touch so many people is something that I am wholly grateful for.

As I said back in chapter 39, I am going to publish this story. However, I decided to go down the route of self-publishing. I had received offers, but decided that I wanted to handle it alone. The only thing I wasn't sure on how to do was audio, so I asked Royal Guard Publishing to handle that. Everything about publishing an eBook was fairly straightforward, but I had no frame of reference for anything audiobook related.

For those who don't know, RGP utilizes duet narration for all of their work consisting of a male and female narrator. In the case of Courier Quest, I received the voice talents of Giancarlo Herrera and Hannah Schooner. I have listened to the whole thing in its entirety and, man, I already want to listen to it again. They have done phenomenal work.Unauthorized reproduction: this story has been taken without approval. Report sightings.

It is actually precisely because of the superb narration that I was inspired to keep going with Courier Quest. Ideas popped into my head afterwards, and I started outlining a few stories even though I meant it to be a standalone novel. I really can't help it, the ideas don't stop coming and there were quite a few (endearing) complaints that the story was too short.


The one that's lived the most in my head is a direct sequel following Trevor's adventures before the epilogue, but I also have ideas for a story post-epilogue, an Adabelle prequel, and a Jackson/Keith origin story.

I'll make a poll down below to see what people would like most, though it won't come immediately; I still have Dungeon Inspector 2 and I'm constantly writing 100th Run.

That said, I know that stubbing is frustrating for readers. I went through it with 100th Run twice and probably will again after the third book gets published, and I know I'll get some people who are sad that it's going. It's understandable. However, without getting into too much detail on my personal life, publishing is something that I must do, and I hope my decision can be treated with respect.

Especially because it won't be permanent. I am self-publishing, so I'm in control of my story. That means I am not beholden to any publishers when it comes to the eBook. When the next saga of Courier Quest releases, I will return this first book to the platform for a short time. Kindle Select contracts are only for 90 days at a time, which means I'll be able to restore the story by removing it from Kindle Unlimited.

For a short time, mind, but it'll be back.

Alright, my ramble engine has run out of steam. Courier Quest is dropping on Amazon on March 4th, but I'll be leaving unstubbed until the late hours of March 3rd (Eastern time). I thought about waiting for the two week mark, but I wanted to give anyone who wanted to reread it ample time. You can find the link to the Amazon page below.


Once again, and always, thank you all so much for reading. I'll post another announcement when the book is out proper with the link to both Amazon and Audible, and I humbly look forward to continuing developing this story and world with you all.
