Chapter 871: True God Sermon  

Throughout history, the rise and fall of dynasties have always been predestined. Even powerful countries could fail the test of time and be replaced by new ones.

As such, it was hard to describe how impressive it was for the Dark Fae God Clan to survive to the current era while holding its seemingly insurmountable position.

How did it manage to avoid its decline over such a long passage of time? How many rival clans had risen and sought to replace it but ultimately failed throughout history? Had it ever faced the risk of getting replaced at all?

Or did it have the eternal and inviolable protection of Chaos Royalty?

Vaan didn't know if any other clans had ever come close to becoming the ruling clan of the Eternal Darkheaven Sector.

However, he could be sure that the Dark Fae God Clan was there to stay.


Time was enough proof of its insurmountable position. No other clan could take the Eternal Darkheaven Sector from it.

It could be said that the Dark Fae God Clan was the Eternal Darkheaven Sector.

But how big was the Eternal Darkheaven Sector exactly?

If Vaan had to venture a guess with his limited knowledge, a supercluster of galaxies was called a sector.

He didn't believe the Eternal Darkheaven Sector was an entire chaosverse. Still, it should at least cover a small fraction of it like a supercluster. Even if it was only a supercluster of a hundred thousand galaxies, that was still an immeasurably vast territory.

After all, if each galaxy already held roughly a hundred million star realms, then how many star realms were contained within the entire supercluster?


The number of stars within the entire supercluster was simply mind-boggling to imagine. Furthermore, it was only a very conservative estimation since True Gods and beyond were capable of creating new celestial bodies to fill the immeasurably vast space of Chaos.

Now, if one were also to imagine the potential life of every star realm within the Eternal Darkheaven Sector, the total number of lifeforms under the Dark Fae God Clan's sovereignty would be even more staggering to imagine.

Vaan highly doubted that status alone would allow the Dark Fae God Clan to retain its solid grasp on the Eternal Darkheaven Sector.

Most likely, True Divinities, which seemed rare and elusive in Gehenna or even the entire Skymagia Star Kingdom, were actually very common in the Dark Fae God Clan.

The name itself was self-evident of that fact.

Moreover, Hecate's ancestors descended from such an incredibly prestigious place.

Vaan could not help but wonder what sort of crime they had committed exactly to be banished from there.

When he raised this question, Hecate shook her head in reply, "I'm not exactly sure, Sir Vaan. My great-grandfather never opened up about it to anyone."

"However, I did overhear unconfirmed rumors from the servants that my great-grandfather was in charge of delivering an important ingredient for a high-ranking elder to refine a True God Pill but lost it on the way, causing someone important to miss the best time to advance to godhood."

"Others guessed that my great-grandfather offended a True Divinity in the main clan. Still, neither of these possibilities seemed severe enough for our whole branch family to be exiled from the clan," Hecate mentioned with a frown.

Nevertheless, she suddenly shook her head and changed the topic, "Enough about my family. We should be talking about Goddess Thyia. This is currently more important."

"Right..." Vaan calmly nodded, putting aside Hecate's background for the time being. Shortly after, he asked, "According to what we have discussed, Goddess Thyia was quite reputable among the upper echelons of the Eternal Darkheaven Sector."

"But... that can't be it, right? I figured such a reputable True God in the Eternal Darkheaven Sector would have at least been heard a few times by ordinary Divine Beings as well... or is that not the case?" Vaan asked.

"No, you are right, Sir Vaan," Hecate acknowledged before continuing, "You are so perceptive and knowledgeable that sometimes I forget that you are not a resident of Chaos."

"It was my mistake for not mentioning common knowledge about Goddess Thyia first. In fact, Goddess Thyia was very well-known, even among Divine Beings."

"You can even say she was more reputable and respected by Divine Beings than some Heavenly Gods and Empyrean Gods in the Eternal Darkheaven Sector," Hecate mentioned.

"Why is that?" Vaan asked.

"That was because of her True God Sermons," Hecate answered.

Noticing the crease of doubt in Vaan's eyebrows, she continued to explain, "Unlike most True Divinities, Goddess Thyia wasn't elusive and indifferent to the common folks across Chaos." "Goddess Thyia was very down-to-earth and would frequently impart her knowledge to Divine Beings as she traveled around the Eternal Darkheaven Sector, enlightening them on the laws of life and death."

"Thanks to her teachings, many Divine Beings benefited in their cultivation and even overcame the Divine Limit to become True Gods. As such, her lessons were later known as True God Sermons."

"However, her last True God Sermon was over a million years ago. No one had seen or heard of Goddess Thyia since," Hecate stated before giving Vaan a thoughtful look.

"Although it is unknown what happened to Goddess Thyia back then, who would have known that her inheritance would be secretly hidden here all this time?"

"I truly envy your luck, Sir Vaan. Heaven-blessed opportunities seem to fall into your lap wherever you go," Hecate commented.

However, not a shred of jealousy was reflected in her clear eyes.

Meanwhile, Vaan could only respond with a wry smile. What could he do about it when the heavens were actually throwing opportunities his way?

The Lord of Chaos had messed around too much.

That said, if the Lord of Chaos had not intervened, Vaan wondered if he would have failed and eventually fallen back into the endless cycle of reincarnation again.

Perhaps the Lord of Chaos had peered into his future and prepared his opportunities accordingly? Wouldn't that mean every opportunity he came across were things he absolutely needed to overcome his tribulations?

Vaan couldn't help but ponder deeper on this train of thought.
