Chapter 887: Valefor's Adventure (2)

Although Valefor's malevolent aura seemed to have awakened the Fire Fiends' intelligence, it was only an illusion. He had simply awakened their fear of him with his overwhelming

slaughter energy.

History may have been erased and changed, but the experience of endless slaughter has been preserved in Valefor.

He had simply killed far too many beings.

Originally, such an oppressive slaughter aura should have been counter-effective on the Fire Fiends due to the wrongful deaths of their past lives that turned them into vengeful spirits of fire.

However, Valefor's slaughter aura also contained his rage against injustice and wrongdoings done to him.


As such, the Fire Fiends felt both fear and belonging, as if they were kindred spirits.

If Valefor hadn't felt pity for their tragic experience, he wouldn't have spared any merciful words.

He would have simply killed them all.

After the Fire Fiends' killing intent was quelled, Valefor glanced around before fixing his gaze on a burning charcoal-black tree in the distance.

Although the Eternal Purpleflame had destroyed most things on the surface of the Purpleflame Territory, it did not destroy everything.

The fact that some trees could withstand the Eternal Purpleflame proved they were unordinary. Instead of reducing dust like most things, the charcoal-black tree had adapted to the fiery properties of the Eternal Purpleflame.


Without a tenacious life force to slow down its destruction, it wouldn't have been possible to adapt.

"Decamillenium-Year Blazewood... It's quite an excellent material for refining tools. It just so happens that I am lacking a suitable weapon," Valefor casually commented.

Shortly after, he expended a significant amount of effort to break off the charcoal-black tree, leaving the roots intact.

Although the Decamillenium-Year Blazewood had wood properties originally, it had become no different from a piece of extremely sturdy metal under the baptism of the Eternal Purpleflame over the years.

More importantly, it was also very receptive to the Eternal Purpleflame.

Since there was an excellent material capable of accommodating the power of the Eternal Purpleflame lying around, why would Valefor make use of it?

'This material can withstand True God-level fire, so it has to be at least Quasi-True Divinity grade. However, it is so brittle that even three hours of shock attacks from a Peak Rank 7 Divine Being can break it,' Valefor analyzed.

The Decamillenium-Year Blazewood was obviously a very strong material, yet it was also fatally weak against shock.

As such, Valefor couldn't use it to refine a sword like he had initially hoped.

Even if there was the option of smelting the Decamillenium-Year Blazewood with other rare minerals to remove its weakness, there wasn't any fire strong enough to melt its metallic properties.

After all, it would have to be another True God-level fire like the Eternal Purpleflame, but not the Eternal Purpleflame.

Nevertheless, it was still undeniable that the Decamillenium-Year Blazewood was very valuable. Moreover, it wasn't the only piece in the Purpleflame Territory.

'There's so many treasures lying around here, but the Gehennan dogs have never exploited them. Truly a bunch of trash,' Valefor thought.

If the Great Devils had heard Valefor's thoughts, they would have been outraged.

After all, even if the Purpleflame Territory was full of treasures like the Decamillenium-Year Blazewood, they weren't strong enough to harvest them.

How could they be blamed for that?

Nevertheless, after Valefor determined the impracticality of a weapon, his attention turned to attack tools.

There was more than one way to use the Decamillenium-Year Blazewood.

'If I can't use the Decamillenium-Year Blazewood as a sword, then I will use it as a flag,' Valefor decided.

In the next moment, the power of the Asura Law gathered at Valefor's fingertips before he inscribed runes on the surface of the Decamillenium-Year Blazewood Tree.

Although the Decamillenium-Year Blazewood Tree was too tough to be indented with runes, Valefor planned to draw it with his blood, just like a talisman inscription.

However, Valefor didn't think far enough.

His body was practically indestructible and couldn't be harmed, at least not with his own strength. As such, he couldn't cut open a flesh wound to bleed.

Valefor immediately sat on the ground, feeling gloomy and depressed. He had never encountered such a problem before.

Should he be happy or sad for having such a blessed body?

While Valefor was feeling stumped with such a dilemma, a humanoid skeleton cloaked in

darkness appeared in the airspace above him.

The newcomer appeared to be a Peak Rank 6 Divine Being.

No doubt, he was a Great Devil.

Considering Valefor's malevolent aura had been spilling out of his body without reservation, it would have been strange if the Realm Lord of Gehenna hadn't noticed such a powerful


Nevertheless, Thanatos could only hover in the sky since Valefor's location was mostly covered in purple flames.

There was nowhere safe to land.

"Your Excellency, I apologize for only being able to greet you from up high. May I ask who you are and why you have come here?" Thanatos inquired with a humble attitude.

He had no other choice.

The other party was a Divine Knight, perhaps the most powerful Divine Knight he had ever encountered in his lifetime.

After all, the other party was actually capable of resisting the Eternal Purpleflame!

As such, Thanatos could only act courteously even if the other party decided to beat him for no reason, let alone a small matter as trespassing without an announcement or invitation.

Meanwhile, Valefor glanced up and frowned.

Although he didn't like looking up at another person, the unknown lich had apologized in advance and was quite humble.

As such, he couldn't just punch a smiling face.

Even a killing star like Valefor still had some principles; he wouldn't kill or be unreasonable

unless he were offended.

"You look familiar. Have I killed you before?" Valefor casually asked.

Despite being butt-naked due to the Eternal Purpleflame, Valefor didn't seem to understand the meaning of shame when he asked his question.

Nevertheless, Thanatos didn't dare to laugh or condemn the streaker. Valefor's question had

shocked him.

"Your Excellency, what do you mean by that?!" Thanatos retreated in horror.

Although he had done his best to avoid offending the streaker, there was nothing he could do

if the other party wanted to kill him anyway.

A reason was never needed to kill - Such was the way of Chaos.

Thanatos just didn't understand why he would feel so much fear over such a simple question.

Do they really know each other?

Why couldn't he remember?
