Chapter 908: Mountain Goddess  

Meanwhile, Topaz and Ruby continued their game of cat and mouse.

Of course, Ruby was the only one who was actually enjoying the game; her giggles became fuel for Topaz's anger.

Topaz, on the other hand, was constantly fuming with a red face.

Every time she got close, Ruby would get away. She knew Ruby was toying with her, but she couldn't stop; she didn't want to give up, not with a belly full of frustration and anger.

Huff! Puff!

Since her old tactics didn't work, Topaz began exploring new ways to increase speed. The method she came up with was to inhale as much life energy as she could and blow it all out for propulsion.


Of course, the small burst of speed wasn't worth mentioning; it did not change the status quo between her and Ruby.

However, every time Topaz inhaled large quantities of life energy, they would compress within her small spirit body and leave a minuscule fraction of it.

Furthermore, this minuscule fraction of compressed life energy would then be absorbed by her spirit body, becoming part of her strength.

The upper limit of her mana capacity increased as mana filled her body.


Topaz advanced a level and became a Mid-level Rank 4 Earth Spirit.


Although her spirit body became slightly larger, it was hardly noticeable due to the life energy being constantly compressed within her small spirit body. It compressed all her power and made room for more energy, only to be compressed again.

Under the repetitive process of energy compression and absorption, Topaz advanced again, becoming a High-level Rank 4 Earth Spirit.

Her small spirit body became larger again by a tiny degree.

Although Topaz was constantly improving and at an increasing rate, she didn't seem to notice or care. She only had a single-minded desire to catch the audacious Ruby and put her back in her place.

How could she let the little sister ride over the big sister's head?


A few hours later, Topaz advanced a few more times, finally reaching Rank 5 and becoming a Transcendent-rank Earth Spirit.

She was no longer the size of a pixie but an eight-year-old little girl.

Nevertheless, Topaz still didn't seem to notice the great changes in her body despite

becoming countless times stronger under the blessing of life energy.

However, it wasn't just a quantitative change but a qualitative one. Topaz did not know she had evolved and was no longer a simple earth fairy.

The only thing she was aware of was her growing determination to catch Ruby.

Meanwhile, Ruby started to feel regret.

After being chased for so long, Ruby noticed Topaz had been getting faster and faster. While the latter was somehow improving, she was not.

Moreover, she was already bored of their chasing game after the first half an hour.

Unfortunately, even if Ruby wanted to end the game, Topaz would not let her off. She had

already ridden the tiger, and it was impossible to hop off.

As long as Topaz chased her, Ruby could only keep running.

"Kyu, kyu, kyuu!" (Get back here!)

Facing Topaz's furious roar, Ruby suddenly had a bad feeling. The moment she looked back at Topaz, her eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

"Fyu, fyuuu...?!" (What in the world...?!)

Ruby cried with alarm and took off with all her strength. The instantaneous burst of speed immediately generated a huge distance between her and Topaz.

However, it didn't get rid of the shock and fright in her heart.

Topaz's hand, which had tried to her, suddenly grew bigger by thousands of folds as it closed in on her. Following the rapid growth of Topaz's hand, the rest of her body also became equally enormous.

Within mere moments, Topaz had suddenly transformed into a colossal being. She was like a mountain god, unreasonably huge beyond belief. It was so absurd to the eyes of the onlookers.

Pure shock and disbelief could be seen on Elder Willowthorn's face. It was hard not to see the two spirits chasing each other.

However, nothing could have prepared him for something like this.

Were all of Vaan's contracted spirits so extraordinary? Or was it due to the benefits provided by the Profound Pearl of Life?

Heck, it could even be due to a combination of the two that he could witness such an absurd transformation.

What kind of gigantification ability could grow the user's body by thousands of folds?

Thousands of folds might not even be the limit!

Elder Willowthorn was suddenly reminded that they were inside an unborn universe.

The birth of a new universe has always been accompanied by the mythical age of gods and devils. The miracle of evolution hidden in the boundless life energy wasn't something that could be comprehended with mortal logic.

Elder Willowthorn thought he understood the value of the Profound Pearl of Life.

However, it seemed he had still underestimated it.

This True Divinity-level heavenly treasure was something that even Empyrean Gods would crazily fight for.

Nevertheless, after Topaz underwent extreme gigantification, she finally paused in surprise.

Everything around her had suddenly become smaller, and her target was like the size of a rice grain compared to her.

She was no longer a normal earth fairy; she was more like a mountain goddess.

"Kyu, kyuu?" (What the hell?)

Topaz was greatly startled by the change.

However, her surprise and curiosity didn't last long as the corners of her eyes locked onto Ruby's fleeing figure. Just the sight of her frightened look was enough to wash away all of her previous anger and frustration.

As a result, Topaz didn't think too much and resumed her chase with a spirited grin.

"Kyuu, kyu, kyu? Kyuku..." (Where are you going? Play with me...)


Topaz lost her sweet voice in her gigantified form, replaced by a deep, booming pitch full of

raw power.

It caused the very space to vibrate.

Ruby felt even more fearful and weak after hearing it. That colossal thing was no longer her

big sister spirit. It had the body of a giant but the voice of a devil!

Why did she stir the hornet's nest and wake up the sleeping demon?

"Fufu, fyu, fyuu!" (I give up! Please spare me, Big Sister!)

"Kyu, kyu, kyuu!" (No! Come back here and receive your punishment!)

Ruby wanted to cry.
