Chapter 37

Xiao Chen himself did not expect that he would be stared at by the girl in the restaurant the whole time he was washing dishes.

He was even more surprised by her rich psychological activities.

After washing the dishes and turning around, he saw Yu Na suddenly lower her head and carefully mark the homework.

He walked over, palm supported on the dining table, "Have you marked Qiao Rui's?"

"..Ah, not yet."

As Yu Na spoke, she went to flip through Qiao Rui's workbook, his homework was pressed underneath.


After flipping out Qiao Rui's workbook, Yu Na decided to mark his first.

Who would have thought, that homework, there was simply no need to mark it at all.

All the multiple choice questions were selected according to the mnemonic "choose the longest of the three shorts and one long".

There were fifteen fill-in-the-blanks, ten selected A, and five selected B.

All the reading comprehension questions chose C.

When Xiao Chen saw the answers he wrote, he was so angry he laughed, "Awesome, quite understands fair distribution."


Yu Na: "...I thought he really understood everything when I taught him the English questions the other day."

Xiao Chen threw the homework back on the table unpleasantly, "Tsk, that kid has to be watched when learning, otherwise he won't study."

After staying at his house for a while, Xiao Chen casually took a coat, then sent Yu Na back home.

Before getting out of the car, Yu Na reminded Xiao Chen, "The midterm exam is coming up soon, supervise Qiao Rui more to study."

"Hmm." Xiao Chen remembered supervising him to do homework last time, and couldn't help but coldly snort, "Staring at him studying is tiring."


After Yu Na took a bath and blow dried her hair, she lay on the bed, recalling everything that happened tonight, and the figure she watched openly and aboveboard.

She satisfiedly curled up her legs, the corners of her mouth hadn't been pressed down since she came back, even she herself was unaware.

Yu Na took out her phone and found the chat with Xiao Chen, racking her brains but unable to come up with a suitable topic to chat about.

Somehow, her gaze slowly turned to the shelf next to the dressing table. Filled with snacks Xiao Chen bought for her, a whole large bag full.

Suddenly a flash of inspiration.

She sent him a message: 【The jello is delicious [shy\/]】 It took Xiao Chen ten minutes to reply——1:【What about the milk?】 Yu Na hugged her phone, legs swinging back and forth.

She had thought that Xiao Chen would reply "Look at your poor skills", or "......", or an emoji pack.

Anyway, it would be a very cold reply.

Suddenly asking back like this, she was at a loss.

After a long while, Yu Na replied: 【Also tasty~】 After the message was sent, she typed another sentence in the input box: 【Because you bought it】 But she was too cowardly to send it out.

Although she took a screenshot.

Xiao Chen replied instantly this time——1:【Are you adding another meal?】1:【Don't tell me you didn't eat enough for dinner】"......" Yu Na:???


Does he know how to chat with girls?!

The ambiguous atmosphere of the conversation hadn't even started yet he ruthlessly doused it.

This time Yu Na really didn't know how to reply.

Lying on the bed, struggling for a long time.

In the end, she gloomily replied: 【I just had a little taste......】1:【I'll buy you more after you finish it?】 Yu Na: ?

How does he manage to jump back and forth between being able to talk and not being able to talk.

Yu Na smiled and replied: 【Really?】1:【Would I need to lie to you about this stuff?】1:【You help me supervise Qiao Rui more, don't let him cause me trouble】"......"

So he's using her as a tool.

......The midterm exam was coming up soon, and the lingering excitement from the sports festival completely dissipated by Monday because of the upcoming parent-teacher conference and other events.

Yu Na was a new teacher, not very good at managing, so not only Qiao Rui, many students did not respect her.

Because of the upcoming exams this time, she finally had a few quiet days without students causing trouble.

Although Xiao Chen asked Yu Na to help him supervise Qiao Rui, he never asked about the subsequent situation.

Yu Na also did not take the initiative to say anything.

They had not chatted again since that night.

Although every night before going to bed, Yu Na always wanted to send him a message, she held back each time.

The night before the midterm exam, after Yu Na sent a message about the exam matters in the parents' group chat, and a string of enthusiastic replies from the parents, there was still Xiao Chen's cold, indifferent and perfunctory 【1】.

Her hand was so itchy she couldn't stand it. She posted a moments that was only visible to him——【Recommend! Super delicious~】The photo was a bag of snacks she randomly took out of the bag without even opening or eating, she didn't even know if it was delicious or not.

She just wanted to post a moments to attract his attention. After posting the moments, she refreshed WeChat every minute.

Until about twenty minutes later, a striking red dot suddenly appeared on the screen.

Because it was only visible to one person, without thinking, she knew the red dot was from him.

——Xiao Chen liked her post.

She was delighted inside.

Satisfied, she turned off her phone, ready to go to bed.

Yu Na herself didn't know why she would post a moments to get his attention. Maybe just having that tiny bit of connection with him after a busy day, even if insignificant, was enough to make her happy.

Just like a little sweetness in a plain life, not very concentrated, but lingering aftertaste.

......The midterm exam took two days.

Yu Na also invigilated for two days.

Invigilation was more boring than imagined, teachers were not allowed to bring anything.

In a exam room, two invigilating teachers, in addition to staring at each other, just kept watch over the students below.

During the two days of exams, the invigilating teachers caught quite a few cheating.

They were all reported and criticized.

Those two days, the bulletin board in front of the high school teaching building was very lively.

All those who were caught cheating, their exam scores for that subject were invalidated, and their parents had to be called in advance.

Yu Na looked at the list and luckily none of her students were on it, otherwise, as a new teacher, she would not escape a scolding from the head teacher.

The exam ended on Friday, and the parent-teacher meeting was on Monday.

So teachers worked overtime to finish marking the papers and prepare the scores and rankings before Monday.

On Sunday night, Yu Na sent another parent-teacher conference notice in the parents' group chat ——【Dear parents, our school will hold a midterm exam parents meeting at 3 pm tomorrow afternoon, please arrive at the auditorium before 3 pm. After the opening ceremony ends, parents please go to Class 3, the subject teachers and I will have a small meeting based on the students’ situation. 】 After the message was sent, the parents responded one by one.

【Received】【Teacher, where is the auditorium?】【Teacher Yu, do we need to bring anything?】【Received, will definitely be there on time】And so on.

Yu Na replied to them one by one.

At this time, Hao Lei’s mother suddenly sent a WeChat message: 【Teacher Yu, I am Hao Lei's mother. Her father and I are both on business trips out of town recently and may not be able make it to the parent-teacher conference tomorrow. Can we ask for leave of absence?】

Yu Na replied: 【It’s fine, Hao Lei’s mother. Let's talk separately when you get back.】

Hao Lei was the class monitor, had always been at the top of the class, including her year-level ranking was high. This child was very obedient, her homework was completed very carefully, perfect without any flaws. For this kind of student, the parent-teacher meeting was just a praise convention, it was face-gaining for parents to show up. So even if the parents didn’t come, there was no major issue. On the contrary, for some rebellious students, including those whose grades could not be raised, those who usually caused trouble, if their parents did not show up, Yu Na would have to pay a home visit.

Speaking of which, a student's face suddenly appeared in Yu Na's mind — Qiao Rui. Xiao Chen must come, Qiao Rui can be said to be the number one rebellious student.

Yu Na took the initiative to send Xiao Chen a message: 【You can make it tomorrow, right?】

Xiao Chen replied instantly: 【Should be able to make it】
