Chapter 49

It was a Thursday night at the end of November, and it happened that day was quite a coincidence.

When Yu Na got off work that night and returned home, she hugged her phone while thinking, why hasn't he contacted me yet?

She couldn't hide her sense of loss, like an acrophobic person who fell to the bottom of a valley, surrounded by mountains as far as the eye could see, oppressed to the point where she couldn't breathe properly.

Xiao Chen probably really minded what she had said that day.

Regarding the memory of that day, Yu Na only remembered a few fuzzy fragments, but judging from Xiao Chen's subsequent actions and expressions, she seemed to have really gone too far that night.



So annoying.

It's really, very torturous!

If that's the case, it would be better to make it clear whether they would continue being friends or part ways. Making it clear would save her from all this torment.

Yes, make it clear.

Yu Na opened the chat with Xiao Chen and typed in: 【Why don't—

She typed on the keyboard while racking her brains for a tactful way to phrase it, so her actions were slow and hesitant.


But she had just typed two words when a new message suddenly popped up on the screen: 【Didn't you say you would treat me to a meal?】


This unexpected message was obviously sent by Xiao Chen!

She felt as if she had seen a ghost, bolting up from her bed.

Just a moment ago she was suffocating at the bottom of the valley, now suddenly she was back up on the mountain peak again. The extreme psychological contrast was almost too much for her to handle at once.

That feeling of loving and hating at the same time was really making her heart itch.

After recovering from the initial shock, Yu Na looked at the message and deleted the "Why don't" words.

She changed it to:【Wasn't I waiting for you to contact me?】

Xiao Chen replied immediately—

:【Not sincere enough】

Yu Na:【?】

She instantly got annoyed again.

Just as she was about to reason with him properly, exactly the same thing happened again:

Yu Na:【Wasn't it, last time I—

Yet again, before she could finish typing, another message came from Xiao Chen—

:【I'll have time tomorrow then】 The message cut off Yu Na so abruptly that she felt like she couldn't breathe properly again.

His replies came so timely, cleverly timed to make it seem like he could see her scratching her head in distress right now, before intentionally responding at that exact moment.

Yu Na felt irritated yet intimidated at the same time, and dejectedly deleted those words to reply:【So let's meet after school tomorrow afternoon?】


It's two periods of classes every Friday afternoon.

Before the first class of the afternoon, Yu Na was holding a USB drive and textbook as she headed to the classroom.

But on her way there, she vaguely sensed that something was off.

Located near the commercial district, many students at Xinghai Middle School go off campus for lunch. Students who went out seemed to be discussing the same topic when they came back—

"Did you see it? There's a Rolls Royce parked in the school parking lot, it looks so cool!"

"I saw it!"


"Is our school getting a transfer student or what?"

"How's that possible, the term's almost over, who would transfer now?"

"There's a super nice expensive car parked there, you can totally tell with one look. Must be some rich kid transferring to our school."


"Let me tell ya! I saw this super handsome guy today, driving a Rolls Royce which he parked near our school. Too freaking awesome!"

"Whoa, at our school?"

"Yeah, he must be waiting for his girlfriend, so envious!"


And so on, different speculations but all focused on that car.

When Yu Na entered the classroom, they were still passionately discussing it.

She didn't take it seriously, and tapped on the desk, "Save your talk about the Rolls Royce until after class, let's start now."

Maybe because it was a Friday, the classroom mood remained very restless throughout.

Class 3 had two consecutive English lessons. After the first one ended, several students who often chatted casually with Yu Na surrounded her.

He Jiang asked: "Teacher, is our school getting a transfer student?"

Yu Na: "No idea, I didn't hear anything."

Liang Duo said: "Then how come there's such an ostentatious luxury car parked at our school? Even if the principal was bold enough he wouldn't dare flaunt like that!"


Yu Na took a ballpoint pen and pretended to sternly tap the student’s head with it: “Don’t you guys have any better aspirations, getting so worked up over a car?”

He Jiang said: “Calling the Rolls Royce ‘a car’ is understating it, isn’t it!”

Yu Na said: “Then how do you describe it? It still has four wheels, just like any other car. A Rolls Royce is the same, so is a Chery Cowin.”

Everyone: ??? “Teacher... you really regard money like dung."

Yu Na: "......"

She cleared her throat and said, “Keep working hard in your studies, make it big in the future and you can get any car you want, not just a Rolls Royce, even a Bugatti would be no issue.”

He Jiang was dumbfounded: “......Bugatti, don’t joke about that Teacher, I’ve never even seen one in real life.”

Just then the bell rang signaling next period. Yu Na shooed them back to their seats, “Alright alright, spend the time you use envying others on yourself instead. In the future you’ll all have your own private jets.”

“......Teacher, you’re getting more and more far-fetched.”

Yu Na thought: Is that far-fetched?

Yu Na didn't have anything on today, she could leave school right after class ended.

After class, she texted Xiao Chen: 【I'm done with classes】

:【I'm on my way there】

Yu Na:【Ok】

They were originally going to the north gate side, but that area was closed off these two days.

Yu Na could only go through the main entrance. They agreed to meet at the parking lot by the main entrance.

Usually if it was a Friday after school, she would either have meetings or other matters that required her to stay behind.

As if helped by God, today she miraculously had nothing extra going on.

When Yu Na was nearing the school gate, chatter from the afternoon started drifting into her ears again from nearby.

"I was telling you about this car at lunch!"

A shocked voice accompanied: "Wow!"

"I didn't lie to ya!"

Xinghai Middle School was a good high school, but not an aristocratic school. The school regulations stipulated that students had to wear school uniforms and not show off. Students didn't wear or carry luxury brands either.

So now, a luxury car suddenly parked at the school gate naturally attracted the students' attention.

They were all whispering about which person was actually an undercover rich kid who dared to brazenly flaunt like this.

"It's that car that was parked in the parking lot at lunchtime, looks like it waited here the whole afternoon huh?"

Initially disinterested, Yu Na couldn't help but look in that direction when she saw how excited the students were.

She saw two men in suits and leather shoes emerge from the luxury car, one was the driver and the other the front passenger.

The two men had strong presences, and walked straight towards them after getting out of the car.

By then, Yu Na had already reached the school gate.

"That's the driver I was talking about! Ah! Handsome right!"

"F*ck, who exactly is so low-key? How come I never heard there was some ultra rich kid in our school!”

"What if it's a teacher?"

"Impossible, a student doing this flashy stuff is still somewhat believable, no teacher would dare."

And as predicted, when Yu Na saw who got out of the front passenger seat, she suddenly froze in place, as if her blood had started flowing backwards. The two men walked towards Yu Na under everyone's curious stares. The front passenger respectfully greeted the already petrified Yu Na, "Miss Yu Na, long time no see, please get on the car."

The students: "......?"
