Chapter 64

Soon, Yu Na received a phone call, saying that it was the food delivery person, and that dinner had been left at her door.

Yu Na opened the door to find that it was actually takeout from the Song Yue Restaurant at the S Hotel.

It turned out Xiao Chen had remembered her after seeing that post on her social media.

Not only did he make her a lifetime free meal pass specifically, even having this restaurant deliver meals to her was his arrangement.

Yu Na opened up the packaging to find simple foods inside—century egg congee and barbecued pork buns.

Xiao Chen sent her a WeChat message asking: 【Did you get it?】


Yu Na smiled and responded: 【I got it!】

Xiao Chen: 【Eat it all up】

Yu Na: 【How come it’s not a huge spread like last time?】

Xiao Chen:【Can’t have you leaving leftovers all the time. If you want to eat, I can take you anytime】

Yu Na felt sweetness blooming in her heart.

So this was what it felt like to date someone you liked—sweet all the way into your core.


That night, she posted on her social media—Day One.

Visible only to herself.


What occupies your thoughts manifests in your dreams. This saying was proven completely true for Yu Na.

That night she had several fragmented dreams lacking cohesion.

But there was one common male protagonist across all these dreams—him.

The last segment was of them standing atop a mountain watching the sunrise.

Xiao Chen leaned in close, about to kiss her, when—

her phone rang.

Yu Na woke up feeling irritated and annoyed after being awoken from such a nice dream.

For the first time ever she felt severe morning temper.

Checking her phone, she saw it was a voice call from Xiao Chen.

Seeing his name flash there left her unable to stay angry.

Yu Na put in her earbuds and accepted the call.

Immediately, Xiao Chen’s voice drilled into her ears, reserved yet hoarse, still a bit nasal after just waking.

“Are you awake?”

Perhaps because she had earbuds in, Yu Na could vividly picture how he looked just now after waking.

Her emotions instantly calmed.

But still upset he’d interrupted her pleasant dream, she curtly responded, “Awake.”

Xiao Chen sensed something off: ?

He laughed very softly.

His breath seemed to penetrate the phone and surround her ears. He asked, “Why so fierce?”

Yu Na ignored him.

Xiao Chen said, “Want to spend the weekend together?”

Having fully awakened now, Yu Na rubbed her eyes and her tone softened some: “...Hmm?”

“Can I come get you? Would you like that?”

His gentle, coaxing tone instantly melted her heart. Not a harsh word could she utter.

Beaming, she responded, “Okay.”


As Xiao Chen dressed in black preparing to head out, Qiao Rui had just gotten up and headed to the bathroom. Seeing him in high spirits on his way out, Qiao Rui teased, “Oh ho, going to pick up the wifey?”


Qiao Rui had learned last night that Xiao Chen and Yu Na were together.

Xiao Chen hadn’t told him the full story, just briefly notified his subordinate. Finally he’d left with a threatening warning: “I’ve never fully approved of your inappropriate behavior toward her.”

Qiao Rui: ?

Xiao Chen gave a mocking smile that sent chills down spines, bringing up old news, “Like blowing kisses.”

Qiao Rui: “......”

He was scared stiff by Xiao Chen’s murderous look.

This guy really held grudges!

Unwilling to back down, Qiao Rui shot back, “Don’t you have a conscience? If it wasn’t thanks to me, could you have gotten together with Teacher Yu? This is a case of crossing the river then demolishing the bridge, feeling I’m useless now so tossing me aside!”

He angrily cursed out four words, “Scum male behavior!”


Just as Yu Na finished getting ready, Xiao Chen sent her a WeChat saying he was downstairs.

She’d originally wanted to put on some makeup but didn’t expect Xiao Chen so soon.

All she could do was give up on that idea.

Clutching a stack of review materials, Yu Na hurried out the door.

Exiting the elevator on the first floor, the doors slowly opened.

Suddenly she remembered the scene she’d witnessed here last night—

That couple kissing without any regard for others around them.

Stepping outside, she spotted Xiao Chen standing under her building, clad in black. One hand slipped casually in his pocket while the other held his phone as he simultaneously browsed and awaited her arrival.

Sensing her presence out the corner of his eye, their gazes locked.

Xiao Chen first noticed the materials in her hands and asked, “What have you got there?”

Yu Na explained, “Stuff for tutoring Qiao Rui. Didn’t you ask me to tutor him on weekends?”

“Why take it so seriously?” Xiao Chen rubbed her cheek affectionately. “Can’t you tell that was just an excuse for me to see you?”

“...Huh?” Yu Na froze up. “You—”

Amused, Xiao Chen waited for her to continue. “I what?”

“You, really, sly.” Annoyed and embarrassed, Yu Na smacked his arm with the stack of papers.

“How could that be sly of me?” Xiao Chen didn’t think he’d done anything wrong. Ruffling her hair, “It’s you who’s silly. I assumed I was being obvious enough.”


She muttered under her breath, “Didn’t notice at all.”

“Silly girl.” En route to Yun Manor, Xiao Chen inadvertently brushed her hand. Finding it ice-cold, he simply reached out and grasped her hand, tucking both into his coat pocket.

Yu Na’s heart thumped heavily.

Xiao Chen’s hand also slipped into his pocket, large palm covering the back of her hand.

Warmth emanated from her skin, slowly suffusing her whole body.

So warm.

So sweet.

Picking up where they’d left off, Xiao Chen added, “What kind of lunatic do you take me for? Spending a small fortune yesterday treating your whole class to barbecue.”

“I didn’t want you going hungry, you know?”

Unable to formulate any response, his words entered one ear and out the other.

Inside his pocket, she carefully flipped her palm over to face up and tentatively clasped his hand in return.

Sensing this, Xiao Chen’s breath hitched as his grip on her hand tightened.


Although Xiao Chen had used tutoring Qiao Rui as an excuse to see Yu Na on weekends, she still took it seriously.

She felt Qiao Rui had ample room for improvement still and wanted to help bring him to the next level. And it wasn’t just English. Teachers of Qiao Rui’s other subjects had also told her that while his mind was sharp and he could quickly grasp concepts explained to him, he simply didn’t apply himself to studying.

So Yu Na wanted to prod him a bit more.

However, when Qiao Rui flung open his door to excitedly cry, “Sis-in-law!”, she nearly faltered.

Qiao Rui was over the moon learning that Xiao Chen and Yu Na were an item.

And why?

Because that meant they’d definitely find him an annoying light bulb this weekend and want alone time without him.

So if he said he was going out to play, Xiao Chen definitely wouldn’t stop him!

And just as expected—

Xiao Chen finally conceded, “You can study in the morning and have free time in the afternoon. Can you handle that?”

Qiao Rui pushed further, “Can I come back late tonight?”

“What are you planning to do?”

“Making space for you guys!”


While Yu Na tutored Qiao Rui in his room, Xiao Chen had wanted his door kept open.

But Yu Na said it was better to study undistracted in his room.

In the dining room there were too many things to divert her attention.

Xiao Chen reluctantly agreed, but demanded Qiao Rui's door remain open.

That weekend’s English assignment was to complete a test paper.

After going over some concepts with him a while, Yu Na passed Qiao Rui the test saying, “Finish the test before lunch. Come ask me if there’s anything you don’t understand. I’ll be in the living room.”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk.” Noticing her gaze occasionally drift out the door, Qiao Rui cheekily remarked, “I know your soul’s floating toward my brother now.”

Yu Na: "......"


When Yu Na left Qiao Rui’s room, she thoughtfully closed the door behind herself.

Xiao Chen was in the kitchen scrolling through his phone.

Upon entering the dining area and catching sight of his back, memories of their hot pot dinner resurfaced. As she gazed at him now just like that night, Yu Na imagined sneaking up from behind and slipping her arms around his waist.

Her pulse raced faster imagining it.

She quietly crept up behind him and a fantasy played out before her that she’d envisioned countless times before.
