Chapter 74

That day, Yu Na got off work early, and Xiao Chen had something to do, so he didn't come to pick her up.

She went back to Huating No.1 to wait for him first.

It took about two hours before Xiao Chen came back to pick her up.

Yu Na got into the car holding a courier box, excitedly saying: "I bought a projector!"

"Projector?" Xiao Chen raised his eyebrows slightly and asked indifferently: "Watching movies with me at home, what are you trying to do?"

Yu Na: ?


She thought about it carefully. There were only the two of them at home. Watching movies with a projector would definitely require turning off the lights and the room would be dimly lit.

It seemed...quite likely to make people think crookedly.

Although they were lovers, these were all normal.

Yu Na's face turned red and she turned her head away, "Pervert!"

Not satisfied, she added vindictively: "The more twisted your mind is, the more twisted your view becomes."

"Tsk-" Xiao Chen felt terribly wronged, "I just asked what you were trying to do."


Yu Na's eyebrows twitched heavily.

Xiao Chen forcibly turned her head facing the car window back and asked, "What are you getting so excited about?"


His implicit and explicit words meant that he was just asking innocently while she was so flustered, it was totally a case of "the lady doth protest too much".

Yu Na thought, defeated.

She suddenly realized that she and Xiao Chen were simply not on the same level.

When it came to being a dog, he was more of a dog.

As soon as Qiao Rui was off from school, he went straight to the airport without even going home.

With the three-day holiday, Xiao Chen was the only one at Yunwan Mansion, so he asked Yu Na to come over.

The two first went out for dinner.

Since Yu Na wanted to use the projector to watch movies, Xiao Chen took her to the supermarket again to buy some snacks.

After getting home, Yu Na suddenly asked, "With Qiao Rui not around, what about studying?"

Xiao Chen calmly answered, "Don't worry about it."

"How can it be okay!" Yu Na anxiously said, "He has made some progress now. These three days, he can't not study at all. He has to learn to strike while the iron is hot and not slack off at all."

"Don't worry about it." He repeated perfunctorily again.

Yu Na was still worried: "Remind him that finals are coming up soon-"

"Miss Yu Na." Xiao Chen didn't want to hear anyone else's name. He raised his hand and pinched her face, solemnly reminding her: "I asked you to come here to date me." "......"

"Not to make you work overtime."

Yu Na's face was kneaded back and forth by him and she couldn't get a word out.

Xiao Chen asked slowly, "OK?"

But he didn't give her a chance to answer at all. He lowered his head again and blocked the words she wanted to say. Xiao Chen pushed her against the wall, one hand bracing against the wall, the other arm wrapped around her waist, forcibly pulling her in his direction until their bodies were pressed together.

"I've been busy all day, how come you don't ask how I'm doing?" Xiao Chen bit her lower lip in slight dissatisfaction, then took it between his lips again, "Don't I matter?"

Yu Na wanted to explain, but Xiao Chen still didn't give her a chance to speak, forcibly entering and kissing her intensely.

"From when we met this afternoon until now-" he said slowly, taking her lip between his, "have you cared about me at all? Hmm?"


Yu Na hooked his neck tightly and couldn't get a word out, she could only respond to him over and over again. After an unknown amount of time, Xiao Chen felt that Yu Na's hand hooked around his neck suddenly moved downward. He had a premonition that she wanted to play with his Adam's apple again.

He remembered last time at Huating No. 1, when she was having fun, completely unaware, while he was unbearably itchy but could only endure it.

So this time, he learned his lesson and decisively let her go.

Yu Na slumped into his arms, her face flushed, lips full, and voice soft and limp: "Are you, angry?"

Xiao Chen: "I'm tired today too."

Yu Na, conceding defeat, kissed his chin and comforted, "What's wrong? Things not going well at work?"

"No, just a little tired."

"Let me watch a movie with you, okay?"


Xiao Chen suddenly said, "There's no one else home anyway, just spend the night at my place tonight."


Xiao Chen: "You take my room, I'll take the guest room."

She pursed her lips. "Okay."

Since Yu Na didn't bring pajamas, Xiao Chen accompanied her back to Huating No. 1 to get some clothes.

Luckily the distance was short, so it didn't take too long to go and return.

Back at Yunwan Mansion, Yu Na took a shower in Xiao Chen's room while Xiao Chen showered in another bathroom.

After getting cleaned up, Xiao Chen turned on the projector while Yu Na chose a movie. As Yu Na was selecting, Xiao Chen suddenly reminded: "Horror movies...are actually okay too."

She asked: "Really?"

"Yeah, just turn the volume down a bit."

In his home, only the bedroom was suitable for using the projector to watch movies.

Thus, an extremely magical scene appeared in the bedroom.

The couple madly in love were on the bed, not doing anything, just honestly leaning against the cushions, completely engrossed in watching a horror movie.

Yu Na was deeply immersed in the plot. Xiao Chen truly didn't like watching, but since Yu Na liked it, he didn't dampen her enthusiasm and took the initiative to suggest it.

Yu Na randomly clicked on a horror movie. It was about an old lady who suddenly passed away and got possessed by a cat. The old lady's four children began to experience some bizarre happenings.

Xiao Chen and Yu Na's couple roles were completely reversed-

Xiao Chen was creeped out by the gloomy tone of the movie. He didn't dare watch but also couldn't help wanting to watch. Yu Na generously put her arm around his shoulders, "Don't be scared, it's all fake, not that terrifying."

She picked up the popcorn they bought at the supermarket, opened the lid, took out a piece, and fed it to Xiao Chen, "Here."

Xiao Chen, like a little wife, ate the popcorn.

Yu Na tried suggestively: "Do you want to watch hiding in my arms?"

Xiao Chen: "No need."

He asked: "So is this white-haired ghost real or fake? I mean, don't these kinds of horror movies turn out to be false alarms in the end?"

Yu Na said, "I haven't seen it either, but I heard that, oh, this is based on a true story."

A true story.

Wasn't that even scarier!?

Xiao Chen broke into a cold sweat on his forehead, "No no no, that can't be right..."

Yu Na nodded, "I also feel it's unlikely, but that's what's been spread around."

In the middle of the movie, when the plot was boring, Yu Na also started getting distracted. She turned sideways, took the initiative to move closer, and kissed him.

From his chin to his cheek, then his lips.

Xiao Chen held her restless hands to prevent her from playing around randomly.

He was provoked by her until he was itchy.

Just then, a shriek attracted Yu Na's attention back to the movie.

"Look look, the white-haired ghost has been following him the whole time!"

Xiao Chen: "............"

Yu Na pointed at the movie in front, "Look, the footsteps are getting closer and closer."



The two were immersed in the plot again.

It was just an ordinary trope, but they were watching more and more attentively.

The terrifying sound effects were turned up all the way, the gloomy filter, the quiet room, everything highlighted the atmosphere of the movie.

In the movie, the white-haired ghost's footsteps grew increasingly clear, and the actor was drenched in cold sweat.


The ringtone on Xiao Chen's phone on the bedside table rang out of the blue at the most exciting, most terrifying part of the movie.

The ringtone mixed with the vibration, vibrating the table buzzing.

So the embarrassing scene at the movie theater was staged again.

Xiao Chen's glass heart was nearly scared to pieces, "Ah!!!!"

A miserable, eerie scream echoed through the bedroom.

- It was Yu Na's phone ringing.

Yu Na didn't even look at her phone. She hugged Xiao Chen, whose mind had suffered tremendous damage, into her arms, stroked his hair, and gently comforted: "It's okay, it's okay, good boy."

Then she glanced at the caller ID.

It was a student's parent.
